On the 15th May the club began a 12 day virtual challenge of walking or running from Malin Head to Mizen Head in Ireland, that's a total of 1040km. The challenge was inspired by seeing all of the hard work the key workers within the club were doing. As a way of showing our admiration and gratitude, we wanted to raise some money for the Sheffield Hospitals Charity.
Each day, members of the club completed their run and uploaded a picture along with their stats to social media with the hashtag #RunVincentsRun. With a daily target of 87km, the pressure was on. With the excitement around the challenge, everyone stepped up and we smashed our first daily target and almost doubled it by doing 161km! This put us not too far from Donegal.

With inspiration taking charge, the following few days saw us continuously hammer our daily target. By day 7 we were just shy of Mizen Head by 9km! At 10pm that evening, two club members decided to go out for a late night jog so we could complete the challenge. Legends.
With 5 days left of the challenge we decided to extend the distance and make our way virtually to Sheffield (more specifically, The Grapes), adding a further 759km. That put our daily target at over 150km!

There were a lot of tired legs by the end of the challenge and we are proud to say that after 12 days of walking and running, we made it back to The Grapes 🙌 with 2052km covered overall.
Thanks to the amazing effort put in by all the club members and the wonderful generosity of so many, we managed to raise over £3,500 for the Sheffield Hospitals Charity. Of the challenge, Adrian Stone, Chair of the Sheffield Hospitals Charity said,
‘We are so grateful for the strenuous efforts of St Vincent’s GAA on behalf of our wonderful NHS. Sheffield Hospital’s charity will ensure this generous donation is spent in a caring, wise and effective way and have maximum impact at this challenging time.’
We are absolutely blown away by the work that the key workers are doing, not just within our club but all over world. Once again we would like to show our gratitude and say thank you.
The link to the Go Fund Me page will remain open for a little while longer so if you would like to donate, you can do so by following the link below.
A snapshot of just a few of the club members who took part are below for your viewing pleasure 😄
Vincents Abú